Artificial Life is an excellent game out of the box for those that enjoy the AI programming genre. The interface is very simple to use and learn. Even the most novice gamer will be able to get going quickly and experiment with different approach to make the Protozoa survive.
I have had no issues with the current version (2.1.4) and all features are working as described.
This game will be even better with a few extra enhancements.
1. The help section needs to explain the concepts of relatives/foreigners, scavengers and predators, and how "finding a mate" selects another protozoa.
2. I would like when my Protozoa dies not just know how it died but what it was doing when it died (what gene was being executed).
3. My high score is an age of 3180. I would like to share this online and see how I compare. Id like to see the genes of other players that made the top 10/100. The games needs an "online community" aspect which I hope iPhone OS 4.0 will allow easily.
4. There needs to be an online arena mode where multiple players can challenge each others protozoa in survival mode.
5. In survival mode, mating is useless unless you found a way to have the decendents contribute to your survival. I am still looking for one. If the game reported the percentage of the chromozones in the population that are from my protozoa, it would give a new dimension to the survival mode game and it would almost be a better high score parameter. How long can you survive and how much of the population did you influence? This is in fact the real challenge of artifcial life, not simple survival of the individual but of the species.
Great game!
MC_Jack about Artificial Life