This is amazing but could go with some improvements. I suggest adding some if and/or statements. EX. If predator less than 180 units away and food less than 80 units away then eat. My second suggestion would be to have more behaviors to add more customization. Finally I suggest adding a game mode that is like survival but your overall goal is to become the dominant protazoa. Keep up the good work and try to make many updates to make this the most amazing simulator on the market. It definetly has the potential to become the best.
I had an idea for a new gametype. You pick 2 previously created protazoa or 1 previously created protazoa and 1 randomly generated one. The game then makes 100 of each, no breeding allowed, and the one thats wiped out first loses. Also if you could add some way to save a succesfull Protozoa directly from sandbox mode to your list of custom Protozoa that would be great. Keep the updates coming.
Zergling2.0 about Artificial Life